As I was cleaning my tub and shower today, I was thinking that I should share my trick with you all.
Have you ever noticed that all bathroom cleaner doesnt actually work as well as they advertise? Maybe it does if you clean your bathroom everyday, but I certainly dont have time for gets done once a week on my cleaning day. Soap scum and hard water stains are hard enough to get off even in that short amount of time.
My aunt shared her secret with my mom, she passed it to me and I am passing it to you....clarifying shampoo. Yep that's right! Squirt some Suave Clarifying Shampoo in the bottom of your tub or on your rag and let the shampoo do its work. I lather the tub and shower up with this and hardly takes any effort to get your shower and tub looking sparkly clean. Who would have thunk!?
I tried other shampoos but the only one that works really well is specifically the clarifying.
You're welcome! =)