Thursday, April 25, 2013

Controversial Carrots

The other day a friend posted on Facebook one of those informational pages about baby carrots.  It stated how they were soaked in chlorine to keep them fresh..yada yada.  Well I decided to share it, and boy did it start a debate.  I finally had to delete it from my page because I was sick of people arguing on it. 

Their arguments were that soaking carrots in chlorine wasnt bad because we drink chlorinated water so what's the difference.  Or there were people grossing out about the fact that they did this.  And others pointed out their opinions on organic fruits.  One even said that we were supposed to wash our fruits and vegetables from the grocery store in bleach water.  Now I dont know about you, but I would never do this!  I think we get enough chemicals in our body by the stuff we eat then adding even more to it.

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