Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Boring and Bored

Moving is so hard.  Even though I was so excited to move to a new place and a whole different part of the country, it has still been the hardest thing I have ever done.  My two beautiful children moved with me, and later their dad (my ex husband) came too so that he didn't have to live without them. 
It has almost been a year, and I am still wondering if I have made a mistake.  I love Charlie dearly but he is never home.  He is gone 85% of the time and I really wonder why he moved us all the way across the country, when he was never going to be here. 
Because I have no family or help, I chose to work as little as possible so that I could get the kids adjusted to their new life.  Since their dad is here, I have them every other week; which makes for the week with no kids...very boring!
It's a gorgeous day out and I just found myself wondering how I got here.  The girl that had so many friends and family surrounding her that she had to break plans with some to fit others in.  Or was so worn out at the end of the day because I had so much to do.  In the year that I have been here I have made one true friend, the rest just acquaintances.  Not anyone that I can call up at any given moment and say "Hey, What are you doing? Want to go do something?"  At home I had a list of friends, and I was never bored.
My house is clean, the yard is done, bills are paid, and the kids are at their dads.  How did my life become so boring, and why did I do all of this for a man?   

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It's a the house!!

Once the rain stopped it was a beautiful day!  Since the grass was getting out of control again, I decided to mow the lawn.
The kids packed up some toys to play downstairs on the back deck so I could keep an eye on them, and we headed downstairs.  But wait!  What is that at the bottom of the stairs?  Since I always over exagerate, I thought it was nothing.  But it certainly looked like a snake.  But could it be?  I mean this was in the house, in our finished basement.  As my ears started to ring and my hands started to get clammy (always happens when I am scared) I crept down the stairs getting closer.  Yes, yes it was a snake!!  It was a baby, but still a snake non the less.  How in the world did it get in?  Is there more?  Where is its mother?!!! 

The kids and I turned and ran up the stairs as fast as we could!  Where is Charlie?  Oh that's right..on the road in San Diego.  What do I do?!  There wasn't anything that I could do, I am so afraid of snakes there is no way that I would ever be able to capture it.  The kids and I went to the basement garage by going outside and avoiding the snake all together.  The kids and I were trying to set up their toys and figure out how Olivia was going to play restaurant with her brother.  The lawn needed to get mowed, but I still was trying to think of what I was going to do about the snake in the house.  I did not want to leave it in there, it could crawl up the stairs and get in the main part of the house. 

I went in the garage to get the lawn mower, and inside was another baby snake!!  That was it!  I was freaking out now!  I called the first person I thought of.  "Jamie, HELP ME!!"

Her husband Andrew and her came over as soon as they could.  He looked everywhere but could not find the snake in the garage.  Where did it go?!!  I was so disappointed that he did not find the snake.  He went inside to get the other one, and to look around.  The snake in the house was dead.  He brought it out, and said it was a copperhead!  My first reaction was too shout, "Are you kidding me!"  Because it was a baby it was hard to distinguish.  Im still unsure, but have decided that they were black snakes.  All I can say is that I hope to God it was! 

After looking through the house, we could not find anymore snakes.  I was not completely convinced that the house was not snake free.  Charlie received many, many, many text messages that were neither nice, or positive.  "I hate this house!"  "I just want to move!"  "How can you move us here and never be home!"  Yada yada.  I was so upset! 

Since I still wasn't convinced the house was snake free, I was afraid all night.  Looking in all the corners, putting towels underneath doorways, etc.  I made the kids sleep with me that night;  never a good idea for getting any sleep.  I slept not a wink that night.  I had to go to work the next day.  I researched all day, when I had the chance, on how to get rid of snakes, how to deter them, anything I could think of.  As the time neared for me to go home, I just wanted to stay at work.  I was safe there.  But that was not realistic.  As I pulled in the driveway, Charlie's Dad was in the driveway.  I got out of my car and walked over to his truck, where he was sitting.  I asked what he was up to, and he said he was snake hunting.  Charlie had called him and asked if he could go in and look around the house.  He said that he didn't find anything.  Thank God!  I wasn't here to see how well he looked around, but I did feel a bit better.

Today I spent the entire day cleaning.  Every nook and every cranny has been vacuumed, dusted, mopped, and looked in.  So far so good!  I don't know if I will ever be convinced that there isnt anymore in here.  But for now, I just have to have faith that God will keep us safe....copperhead, black snake or not.    

Monday, May 13, 2013


Nothing is better than seeing your landscapers show up and transform your yard into something beautiful, and only in a couple of hours, compared to the years it would have taken yourself.

When we moved into our house a little under a year ago our yard was a jungle.  The retired couple that lived here before us spent more time in the yard and less time in the house.  I think their time in the house was spent making messes and tracking the dirt from the garden into the house and never cleaning.  But as their time was spent planting every flower imaginable and building random flower gardens all over the yard, my time is better spent cleaning the inside of the house, keeping up with laundry, and enjoying my family.  I did however tackle the flower beds in front and along the side of the house, but the overwhelming feeling I got every time I looked out the kitchen window to the other disastrous flower beds that lie in the outer areas of the yard, was too much for me. 

So Charlie decided to hire his friend that owns a landscaping business.  Just this afternoon they accomplished more in a couple of hours than I ever thought possible.  They cut down the huge tree limb that fell a year ago that Charlie hasn't ever gotten around to cutting up, pruned all the bushes, trimmed the trees including my peach and pear trees, cleaned up the random piles the previous owner decided to throw along the fence line, and took away my jungle of flower beds so we can plant grass.  What a relief!  I am a little sickened though about all the beautiful flowers that are now in the burn pile...I tried to give them away!  But I cant think about that.  I just need to keep my mind set on the work that is being eliminated.  Yay!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

California, good ol' California. Was so excited to go camping near the beach today/tonight. We got all of our supplies and  headed to the coast only to find out all the campgrounds are closed. Some of them due to a nearby fire but others were closed due to budget cuts.  So bummed!