Monday, May 13, 2013


Nothing is better than seeing your landscapers show up and transform your yard into something beautiful, and only in a couple of hours, compared to the years it would have taken yourself.

When we moved into our house a little under a year ago our yard was a jungle.  The retired couple that lived here before us spent more time in the yard and less time in the house.  I think their time in the house was spent making messes and tracking the dirt from the garden into the house and never cleaning.  But as their time was spent planting every flower imaginable and building random flower gardens all over the yard, my time is better spent cleaning the inside of the house, keeping up with laundry, and enjoying my family.  I did however tackle the flower beds in front and along the side of the house, but the overwhelming feeling I got every time I looked out the kitchen window to the other disastrous flower beds that lie in the outer areas of the yard, was too much for me. 

So Charlie decided to hire his friend that owns a landscaping business.  Just this afternoon they accomplished more in a couple of hours than I ever thought possible.  They cut down the huge tree limb that fell a year ago that Charlie hasn't ever gotten around to cutting up, pruned all the bushes, trimmed the trees including my peach and pear trees, cleaned up the random piles the previous owner decided to throw along the fence line, and took away my jungle of flower beds so we can plant grass.  What a relief!  I am a little sickened though about all the beautiful flowers that are now in the burn pile...I tried to give them away!  But I cant think about that.  I just need to keep my mind set on the work that is being eliminated.  Yay!!

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