Thursday, June 13, 2013


We didn't leave St Louis in the morning like we were supposed to.  Charlie had some stuff he needed to take care of so we ended up leaving at 5pm.  We had a 10 hour drive ahead of us and both of us decided that we didn't want to get home at 3am.  So as we were driving trying to decide when we wanted to stop we decided on the next city ahead.  I remembered awhile back that I used Travelocity to book a hotel while on the road when I had no idea where I was going to stop for the night.  It was a beautiful place that we got for super cheap in Seattle.
So I decided that this is what we needed to do this time.  Charlie got on his phone and went to to see what he could do.  He found something called "Top Secret Hotel".  They tell you how many stars, a general location, and the price but that's it.  We decided to go for it.  We got a $120 room w/o tax for a total of $70.  It was a great room at the Holiday Inn and we were very pleased with how much we saved!
I would highly recommend this if you're flying by the seat of your pants on a trip. =)

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