Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Today was so beautiful!  It was 75 and sunny when I picked my daughter up from school, so we decided to go to the park, along with the other 500 people that had the same idea.  I know this is horrible, but I really dislike taking my kids to the park.  I like playing with them and seeing their happy little faces while they run around and burn energy, but it's the other kids that really irritate me.  I don't know about you but it annoys the crap out of me when I see kids walking up the slide.  Today there were two older girls (I would say 10-12 years old) that were walking up the slides.  I really wanted to say something, but kept my mouth shut...very rare by the way.  =)  Then of course you have the other kids who are pushy and have no respect whatsoever for other kids and even sometimes mothers.  Going to the park raises my blood pressure and adds another grey hair to my head.  We lasted an hour. =)

After that the kids were hungry and wanted to go to Subway. I don't like eating out if I don't have to so we decided to do Subway at home.  Instead of going there, we got meat, bread, and chips at the grocery store and made our own sub sandwiches.

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